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Folks that's never had nothin' air allers the most partickeler, an' turnin' up thar noses at rayly good things. Don't fool with me no more, but let me go on inter camp, fur the soljers air expectin' me." "Sure you haint got no whisky down in the bottom o' that basket?" said Si, pushing the pies about a little, to get a better look. The indignation of the woman at this insinuation was stunning.

Vesty 's jest as pious lookin', Sundays, as Pharo's tew-seated kerridge. I tell her, I'm dreadful glad for her sake that there ain't but one Sunday tew a week, she couldn't hold out no longer. Still, she's vary partickeler, Vesty is, and she 's good for taking keer o' folks. Elder Birds'll says 't ef Vesty Kirtland ain't come under 'tonin' grace, then 'tonin' grace is mighty skeerce to the Basin."

"You little numbskulls," said Si; "why didn't you come to use and tell us about this?" "They told us to be partickeler and say nothin' to you.

Jack pulled off his coat and vest, rolled up his sleeves, and made other elaborate preparations for the affray. Hill, without removing a garment, said, as he surveyed him with a mocking smile: "Mister you seem to be one of them partick-e-ler fellers." Jack roared out, "By , I'll make you partickeler before I get through with you. Now, how shall we settle this?

Jack pulled off his coat and vest, rolled up his sleeves, and made other elaborate preparations for the affray. Hill, without removing a garment, said, as he surveyed him with a mocking smile: "Mister you seem to be one of them partick-e-ler fellers." Jack roared out, "By , I'll make you partickeler before I get through with you. Now, how shall we settle this?