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"And," he cried, sitting upright and banging his heavy fist down on the arm of his chair "and there are millions in your malgamite works at the Hague millions. If it were only honest it would be the finest monopoly the world has ever seen for two years, but no longer. At the end of that period the paper-makers will have had time to combine and make their own stuff then they'll smash you.

This deduction is based on facts that came under my knowledge here. The Angouleme paper-makers, the last to use pure linen rags, say that the proportion of cotton in the pulp has increased to a frightful extent of late years."

These and the gate, or "slicer," are attached to what is termed the deckel-frame, which corresponds to the deckel used by paper-makers in the days when the manufacture was carried on by hand. As the stream flows onto the endless belt of wire cloth, the water which has borne the fibers filters into the trough beneath.

It appears that there are a number of persons there paper-makers, I understand who insist upon seeing us, and refuse to leave the premises until they have done so." Lord Ferriby's manner indicated quite clearly his pity for these persons who had proved themselves capable of such a shocking breach of good manners.

Besides, the first thing is to employ and feed these paper-makers." "Of course." "That will pretty well absorb this first meeting. The ladies will manage that, I think; and when this is provided for, I will try what I can do at the committee; but there is no good in bringing it forward at this great public affair, when every ass can put in his word.

It is customary and reasonable to discard as fanciful the various devices and theories put forward by the experimenters in the Middle Ages and fix the beginning of practical aeronautical devices with the invention of hot-air balloons by the Montgolfiers, of Paris, in 1783. The Montgolfier brothers, Joseph and Jacques, were paper-makers of Paris.