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Peyton, for instance, I'd much rather win the competition than than be as disinterested as Mr. Darrow." Mrs. Peyton smiled. "I hope you won't tell him so," she said half seriously. "He is over-stimulated already; and he is so easily influenced by any one who whose opinion he values."

The American air has done much for your imagination, my dear Jules; or possibly the altitude of the hills has over-stimulated it." "You are not the fool you look, my dear Durand. You have actually taken a pretty fair grasp of the situation." "But the adorable young lady, the fair Mademoiselle Claiborne, what becomes of her in these transactions?"

"People wonder why actresses lie in bed until noon, or nearly. They have to, to get as much sleep as a stenographer or a clerk or a book-keeper. At midnight I'm all keyed up and over-stimulated, and as wide awake as an all-night taxi driver. It takes two solid hours of reading to send me bye-bye." The world did not interest itself in that phase of Harrietta's life.

I rose, bathed my head and face in water, drank a long draught; felt that though enfeebled I was not ill, and determined that to none but you would I impart this vision. Now, sir, tell me who and what that woman was?" "The creature of an over-stimulated brain; that is certain. I must be careful of you, my treasure: nerves like yours were not made for rough handling."