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Now that all the prairie and plain have been occupied, the mystery has fled entirely from the valley or has hidden itself in the wilderness and "bad lands." All is translated into the values of a matter- of-fact, pragmatic, industrial occupation. Its length lies wholly within the temperate zone.

One August evening, as the Kemble family sat at tea, he gave them a joyous surprise by appearing at the door and asking in a matter- of-fact voice, "Can you put an extra plate on the table?" There was no mistaking the gladness of her welcome, for it was as genuine as the bluff heartiness of her father and the gentle solicitude of her mother, who exclaimed, "Oh, Hobart, how thin and pale you are!"

The older woman was on the point of poking the sleeper with the toe of her shoe, being a matter- of-fact sort of person, when the girl imperatively shook her head and frowned upon the lady in a way to prove that even though she was old enough to be the mother of a girl of twenty she was by no means the mother of this one. At that very instant, R. Schmidt opened his eyes.

"It seems ages since I saw you last," said the Countess in a matter- of-fact tone, jiggling a rose into position and then standing off to study the effect, her head cocked prettily at an angle of inquiry. It suddenly occurred to me that she had got on very well without me during the ages. The discovery irritated me. She was not behaving at all as I had expected.

Griffith fetched a tablet and a glass of water, to which he added some of the quassia. "Here's your dose of sulphonal," he said, in his driest, most matter- of-fact tone." You've got to get to sleep. It's an early train." "What's the use? Leave me alone!" groaned Blake. "Gad, old man," put in Lord James. "Any one who didn't know you would think you were a quitter." "What's the use? I've lost out.

The slight awkwardness was, on the whole, rather added to by T. Tembarom as if serenely introduced by the hand of drama itself opening the door and walking into the room. He came in with a matter- of-fact, but rather obstinate, air, and stopped in their midst, looking round at them as if collectedly taking them all in.

Apart from him the Italian literature of the day is rich in descriptions of wars and strategic devices, written for the use of educated men in general as well as of specialists, while the contemporary narratives of northerners, such as the 'Burgundian War' by Diebold Schilling, still retain the shapelessness and matter- of-fact dryness of a mere chronicle.

Nevertheless, the matter- of-fact engineer took care to remove part of the door-operating apparatus when he left the vestibule, and nobody commented upon it. It seemed the sensible thing to do; that was all.