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His mind leaped back to that scene of years ago, when Marge O'Doone's mother had run shrieking out in the storm of night to escape Tavish. But she had not died! That was the thought that burned in David's brain now. She had lived. She had searched for her husband Michael O'Doone; a half-mad wanderer of the forests at first, she may have been. She had searched for years.

An' the woman didn't know what she was doing. They started west with the kid, and all the time Bucky was afraid! He dragged the woman on a sledge, and snow covered their trail. He hid in a cabin a hundred miles from O'Doone's, an' it was there the woman come to her senses. Gawd! it must have been exciting!

He sneaked back where the cabin had been, and found nothing but char there. It had been burned. Oh, the devil, but it was funny! And after all this trouble he hadn't dared to take O'Doone's place with the woman. Conscience? Bah! He was a fool. You don't get a pretty woman like that very often, eh, Mac?" Unsteadily he tilted the flask to turn himself out another drink. His voice was thickening.

The kid you brought in to-day was a baby then alone with her mother. Ho, ho! deuced easy deuced easy! But he was a darn' fool!" He drank with incredible slowness, it seemed to David. It was torture to watch him, with the fear, every instant, that Hauck would come. "What happened?" he urged. "Bucky my friend in love with that woman, O'Doone's wife," resumed Brokaw. "Dead crazy, Mac.

Crazier'n you were over the Breed's woman, only he didn't have the nerve. Just moped around waiting keeping out of O'Doone's way. Trapper, O'Doone was or a Company runner. Forgot which. Anyway he went on a long trip, in winter, and got laid up with a broken leg long way from home. Wife and baby alone, an' Bucky sneaked up one day and found the woman sick with fever. Out of her head!