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"Nyet; the heart by me no longer to bump here," and Michael pointed to the pit of his stomach. "Aw, come on," called Peter. But Michael only shook his head and clung closer to the gray dress. "All right, ferryman; he may stay," said the queen. "Good-by!" shouted the children. "Don't forget us, Michael." "Nyet; goo'-by," Michael shouted back; and then he laughed.

For the benefit of the future traveller, I give, however, a few native expressions for distances, with their numerical equivalents: "cheimuk" near, twenty versts; "bolshe nyet" there is no more, fifteen versts; "sey chas priyédem" we will arrive this minute, means any time in the course of the day or night; and "dailóko" far, is a week's journey.

Old and young joined in the hymn, a translation made years before by that prince of pioneer missionaries, the venerable Archdeacon McDonald, who did such a great work at Fort Yukon in the early sixties. "Ndo nyet nyakkwun Ttia Ndo nyet nyakkwun, Kwizyik nititae, Guselshit chi. Tthui sih chilig telya Ndo nyet nyakkwun Ttia, Ndo nyet nyakkwun."

He got up on to his seat, his broad back was bent over his horses. "Well, and how have things been, Nikolai, busy?" "Nikak nyet not at all. Very quiet." "No wounded?" "Nothing at all, Barin, for two weeks now." "Have you liked that?" "Tak totchno. Certainly yes." "No, but have you?" "Tak totchno, Barin."