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The revolver felt absurdly lumpy and uncomfortable in his hip pocket. What a different aspect a little hot supper gives to affairs! The most resolute idealist or assassin had better write his poems or plan his atrocities before the evening meal. After the narcosis of that repast the spirit falls into a softer mood, eager only to be amused.

Deep narcosis and anesthesia were induced, and two hours after awakening his breath smelled strongly of iodoform. There are two similar instances recorded in England. Pope mentions two fatal cases of lead-poisoning from diachylon plaster, self-administered for the purpose of producing abortion.

"Opium, no doubt, had a favorable effect upon the affection. By relieving intestinal irritability, and by bringing about a mild degree of narcosis, the patient was kept quiet and this materially assisted in limiting the severe perityphlitic suppuration in the first stage of the disease."

It is well known, this observer points out, that after the period of excitation and muscular rigidity disappears, there is a lowering of blood pressure in chloroform narcosis and coincidently a sinking of the intra-ocular pressure. Not only this, the intra-ocular tension of normal eyes during this narcosis drops several millimeters.

Generally, however, the better method is perhaps to administer first chloroform to the point of producing sleep and then to change to ether, the first mild chloroform narcosis preventing the ether from causing acute stimulation, and ether being better for the operation, as it is more of a stimulant.

On the whole, however, the use of these stimulants is to be discouraged. =Narcotics= are those drugs which cause narcosis or a dulling of the senses and a decreased activity of both the muscular and nervous system. One of the most common and typical narcotics is opium. Derived from opium is morphine.

The elimination of pain may sometimes also play its rôle in slight operations where other methods of narcosis seem for any reason undesirable, and very frequently hypnotic suggestion has been used for this purpose at childbirth.

Or reflex phenomena connected with the sexual organs may occasionally be observed under special circumstances; or, to put it in another way, such reflex possibilities are not always abolished by the condition of narcosis or anæsthesia.

In the electric fish a part of the muscular mechanism is replaced by a specialized structure for storing and discharging electricity. We found further that electric fish could not discharge their electricity when under anesthesia, and clinically we know that under deep morphin narcosis, and under anesthesia, the production both of heat and of muscular action is hindered.

This shows particularly in the analysis of alcoholics especially of periodic types. Self-fertilization is a frequent symbol in the unconscious. In males, particularly, the identification with the mother is a frequent factor and often explains the value of the instinctively sought relief through narcosis and withdrawal from the conflict. Male hysterias also show it markedly.