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"Go to all the towns and invite our relatives to come to the ceremony which we shall make. If they do not want to come, then grow on their knees until they are willing to attend." So the betel-nuts started in different directions and one went to Aponibalagen in Nalpangan and said, "Kadayadawan is making a ceremony for the spirits, and I have come to summon you to attend."

Gawigawen was watching at the door of his house for his mother's return, and when she told him of her success, he was so happy that he asked all the people in the town to go with him the next day to Nalpangan to arrange the amount he must pay for his bride.

They named him Aponitolau, and his parents paid the marriage price for his wife the spirit house nine times full of valuable jars. After that all danced and made merry for one moon, and when the people departed for their homes Ini-init and his wife went with them to live on the earth. Aponibolinayen Tinguian The most beautiful girl in all the world was Aponibolinayen of Nalpangan.

Now the people of Nalpangan wanted a great price for this girl who was so beautiful, and the men of the two towns debated for a long time before they could come to an agreement.

So Dinawagen, the mother of Gawigawen, took her hat which looked like a sunbeam and set out at once for Nalpangan; and when she arrived there she was greeted by Ebang, the mother of the lovely maiden, who presently began to prepare food for them. She put the pot over the fire, and when the water boiled she broke up a stick and threw the pieces into the pot, and immediately they became fish.