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Gregory excommunicated him, and demanded his submission before the sentence should be removed. Frederick did not submit, but when he sailed it was without the papal support. Frederick endeavoured to proceed by treaty; it was a shock to Moslems and to Christendom alike. The horrified Gregory summoned every disaffected feudatory of the empire in effect to disown the emperor.

Passing a mosque, where I noticed the Moslems had attempted, but had not completed, the obliteration of some representations of birds, so the mosque was once, evidently, a place where other gods had been worshipped, I hesitated, wishing to look closer into this curiosity, but recollected myself, and was passing on.

Many of the Moslems who in gratitude are ready to embrace a Christian physician may yet learn to embrace Christian teaching. Muscat in Arabic, means "the place where something falls." And the surroundings are so rocky and steep that everything has a chance to tumble down except the mercury in the thermometer. That is always up high.

He is regarded as the founder of the Ottoman empire, and under his reign, from 1299 to 1326, the Moslems made rapid strides in the progress of aggrandizement.

When the Kafirs saw this, they held back from the battle and each army sent out, to know the meaning of this dust, scouts, who returned with the news that it was an army of Moslems. Now this was the host of the Mountain- Ghul whom Gharib had despatched to Jamrkan's aid, and Sa'adan himself rode in their van.

Christianity lasted in Yamen up to the tenth century A.D. It paid tribute as a subordinate creed, like Judaism, but had far more equable charters and greater respect among Moslems. In fact, it was never driven out, but gradually merged into Islam, as is indicated by the inscriptions found on the lintel of ruined churches here and there, "There is but one God."

It is the common lamentation of Spanish historiographers, that, for an obscure and melancholy space of time immediately succeeding the conquest of their country by the Moslems, its history is a mere wilderness of dubious facts, groundless fables, and rash exaggerations.

He drove the Moslems out of France, but they maintained themselves in Spain where Abd-ar-Rahman founded the Caliphate of Cordova, which became the greatest centre of science and art of mediaeval Europe. This Moorish kingdom, so-called because the people came from Mauretania in Morocco, lasted seven centuries.

Within a very few years, every public servant is usually emasculated by that unlimited voluptuousness which equally the Moslem princes and the common Prophet of all Moslems countenance as the proper object of human pursuit. Here is the mortal ulcer of Islamism, which can never cleanse itself from death and the odour of death.

Thus only may we become the favourites of the civilized world like King Ferdinand's army." The Great War itself was hailed by multitudes of Moslems as a well-merited Nemesis on Western arrogance and greed.