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Shortly after the Mooltani Horsemen rode away I saw a party of Goorkhas coming towards the gate. They were strolling along quite unconcernedly, laughing and chatting together, with their hands in their pockets and quite unarmed, not even carrying their favourite kukri.

These consisted of nearly 3,000 men, of which number more than 1,100 were Europeans. This force, under command of General Nicholson, comprised the 52nd Regiment, our left wing from Ferozepore, some Mooltani Horse, 1,200 Sikhs and Punjabees, and a battery of European artillery.

My post was constantly at the gate, where I examined passes; and while thus occupied some thirty troopers of the Mooltani Horse wild, truculent-looking fellows, armed to the teeth rode up demanding entrance. I explained to them what my orders were, and refused admission.

September 20 to May, 1858 Lack of appreciation by Government A contrast Delay in issue of prize money and medals Unceremonious presentation of the latter Complete desertion of the city by the enemy A stroll through the city Looting Discovery of hiding inhabitants They are ordered to leave the city Disgraceful desertion of pets State of the streets Hodson captures the King of Delhi The King's appearance described His trial and sentence Hodson captures the King's sons and grandson Their deaths Diminished strength of the 61st Regiment It moves to the Ajmir Gate The Jama Masjid and view from it Its garrison A movable column dispatched towards Cawnpore Soldiers and others forbidden to enter or leave the city The Mooltani horse Indulgence to Goorkhas Their appreciation An exodus Strict regulations State of feeling of the army Work of the Provost Marshal Two reputed sons of the King executed The suburbs An amusing incident Visiting the old positions Cholera still rife 2,000 sick and wounded in the Selimgarh We move to the magazine I am recommended for sick leave I leave Delhi for Umballah I am robbed en route Report matters to Commissioner and receive compensation Leave for Ferozepore and home