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I asked myself whether I was jealous of him, and the question seemed so incongruous, so remote. He made a good impression on me. I warmed to him He was followed by Yeffim, and the scene of wild enthusiasm was repeated When Minsker had finished the chairman declared the meeting closed. There was a rush for the platform.

"Yeffim Minsker and his sister are here," he said, with the smile of one breaking an interesting surprise I paused, flushing. I feigned indifference and preoccupation, but the next moment I cast off all pretense "Are they really?" I asked

He could furnish me no information about Reb Sender, of whom he had never heard before; he knew of the Minsker family, of course, and he told me that Shiphrah, Matilda's mother, was dead; that Yeffim, Matilda's brother, had been sent to Siberia some three years before for complicity in the revolutionary movement, and that Matilda herself had had a hair-breadth escape from arrest and was living in Switzerland

He had discovered a "treasure" a pious, rich, elderly woman whose latest hobby was to care for at least eighteen poor Talmudists eighteen being the numerical value of the letters composing the Hebrew word for "life." Her name was Shiphrah Minsker. She belonged to one of the oldest families in Antomir, and her husband was equally well-born.

She was as pugnacious as she was charitable, and as quick to make up a quarrel as to pick one. Her husband, Michael Minsker, was a "worldly" man, with only a smattering of Talmud, and their younger children were being educated at the Russian schools.