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So that, by the time Rose's apartment was furnished to the point of adequate comfort and decency, she took it for granted and stopped there. For her, the temptations of old brass, mezzo-tints, and Italian majolica Fourth Avenue generally simply did not exist. She bought real china to eat her breakfasts out of, and the occasional suppers she had at home.

The old French copper-plate engravings and the best English mezzo-tints are so valuable because good impressions are necessarily so rare. One more piece of advice. It is a constant source of regret, an eyesore. Here have I Lovelace's "Lucasta," 1649, without the engraving. It is deplorable, but I never had a chance of another "Lucasta." This is not a case of invenies aliam.

"Prints, lithographs, mezzo-tints, engravings, paintings, it made no difference. And all of the same person. He had hundreds, I guess, and every one of them was of General Wayne." Ashton-Kirk leaned back in his chair with a faint breath of triumph. "When a portrait of General Wayne was offered him," continued Brolatsky, "he never haggled over it.

Lola began politely: "Of course, if Mr. de Gex " "It would be delightful," said I, "but I'm starting at once to-morrow or the day after. We will have the dinner when I come back and you are a full-blown Member of Parliament." I made my escape and fled to my own cheerful library. It is oak-panelled and furnished with old oak, and the mezzo-tints on the walls are mellow.