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"Where have I seen such eyes?" said Vansittart Smith to himself. "There is something saurian about them, something reptilian. There's the membrana nictitans of the snakes," he mused, bethinking himself of his zoological studies. "It gives a shiny effect. But there was something more here. There was a sense of power, of wisdom so I read them and of weariness, utter weariness, and ineffable despair.

If the tumour is seated close to the membrana tympani, and has a broad and sessile base, then it cannot be excised or noosed with any degree of success. It must therefore be treated by the daily application of the solid nitrate of silver, applied exactly to its surface; and, in the intervals of application, the use of any collyria may be had recourse to.

GENERAL DISCUSSION. The eye is situated in the orbital cavity, to which it is attached by muscles that rotate it in different directions. The orbit is lined by fibro-fatty tissues that form a cushion for the eye. Anteriorly it is protected by the eyelids, and in birds by a third eyelid that corresponds to the membrana nictitans of quadrupeds.

In the first place, it makes it possible for sound waves to set the membrana tympani in vibration. This membrane could not be made to vibrate by the more delicate of the sound waves if it were stretched over a bone, or over some of the softer tissues, or over a liquid.

This internal canal is 'Is actually in the house, sir; and, when you are so shortly to be as I expect 'Closed at the further end by the membrana tympani 'Joined together in holy matrimony 'Under which is carried a branch of the fifth pair of nerves 'I say, sir, when you are so shortly to be married to your cousin Marionetta 'The cavitas tympani Is he going to be married?