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I told you this was a kind and gentle lion, and would eat bread and jam," announced Ben. "I will now have him roar for you again, ladies and gentlemen. Roar, lion, roar!" But instead of roaring, Tom, for a joke, went: "Meaou! Meaou! Meaou!" just like a pussy cat. Of course everyone laughed at that. The idea of a big, savage lion meaouing like a kitten!

"It is Snoop!" declared Freddie. "Meaou!" was cried again, and in such a queer way that the children knew their cat was in some kind of trouble. "Snoop! Where are you?" called Nan. "Meaou! Meaou!" came the answer. "She's down cellar and wants to come up," Bert said. But when the cellar door was opened no cat popped up, as Snoop always did if she happened to be shut down there.

Nan shelled some of the white kernels of corn into the wire popper, and shook it over the stove. Pretty soon: Pop! Pop! Poppity-pop-pop! was heard, and the small kernels burst into big ones, as white as snow. Nan was just pouring the popped corn out into a dish when there sounded through the house a loud: "Meaou!" "What's that?" asked Flossie. "It sounded like Snoop," said Bert.

Tom had to laugh and then he couldn't pucker up his lips to meaou any more. "Ladies and gentlemen, as well as boys and girls," went on Ben. "We will now pass to the next cage. This is a real wild animal. He has sharp teeth, so do not go too close to his cage. He is the wild chicken-eater of the woods!" "Oh, I wonder what that can be?" whispered Sue. "We'll see in a minute," Bunny answered.

Should an attack on the city become unavoidable, it was decided that the point attacked should be the Tartar quarter, including the palace, which occupied the northern half of the city. By this time it had become known that Parkes and Loch were living, that they were confined in the Kaou Meaou Temple, near the Tehshun Gate, and that latterly they had been fairly well treated.