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Mickey McSquizzle returned to Ballyduff Kings County, Ireland, where, we heard, he and his gentle Bridget, are in the full enjoyment of the three thousand pounds he carried with him. Ethan Hopkins settled down with the girl of his choice in Connecticut, where, at last accounts, he was doing as well as could be expected.

I should think she was! exclaimed Hopkins, who had listened in amazement to this enumeration of the beauties of the gentle Irish lass, who had won the affections of Mickey McSquizzle. 'No doubt she had a sweet disposition. 'Indeed she had, had she; it was that of an angel, was the same.

On board the steamer he first met Ethan Hopkins and Mickey McSquizzle, who had spent ten years in California, in a vain hunt for gold, and were now returning to their homes, thoroughly disgusted with the country, its inhabitants and mineral resources.

'And it's myself that'll do the same, added Mickey, as he executed an Irish jig on the barren earth in front of their cavern home, after they had concluded to leave the place. 'Where does she reside? inquired Ethan. 'Ballyduff, Kings County, in the Oim of the Sea; it's there that lives the lass that's to have the honor of becoming Mrs. McSquizzle, and becomin' the mither of her own children.

'And I shall go back to work on the Erie railroad, at thirty-siven cents a day and boord myself, replied the Irishman. 'If yer were sartin of findin' all the gold yor want, would yer go back to Califony? 'Arrah. Now, what are yees talkin' about? asked McSquizzle, somewhat impatiently. 'What is the good of talkin'?

'HOWLY vargin! what is that? exclaimed Mickey McSquizzle, with something like horrified amazement. 'By the Jumping Jehosiphat, naow if that don't, beat all natur'! 'It's the divil, broke loose, wid full steam on! There was good cause for these exclamations upon the part of the Yankee and Irishman, as they stood on the margin of Wolf Ravine, and gazed off over the prairie.