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The story of Lodona is told with sweetness; but a new metamorphosis is a ready and puerile expedient; nothing is easier than to tell how a flower was once a blooming virgin, or a rock an obdurate tyrant. The "Temple of Fame" has, as Steele warmly declared, a "thousand beauties."

"Admiral," said I, "do you remember when you sent the to sea in a gale of wind, when I was midshipman of her? Well, I got just as wet that night as you are now. Pray, admiral, have you any commands to the Misses M'Flinn?" "I'll tell you when I catch hold of you," said Sir Hurricane, as he moved up stairs to his room, dripping like Pope's Lodona, only not smelling so sweet.

"Admiral," said I, "do you remember when you sent the to sea in a gale of wind, when I was midshipman of her? Well, I got just as wet that night as you are now. Pray, admiral, have you any commands to the Misses McFlinn?" "I'll tell you when I catch hold of you," said Sir Hurricane, as he moved upstairs to his room, dripping like Pope's Lodona, only not smelling so sweet.

The attention, therefore, which cannot be detained by suspense, must be excited by diversity, such as this poem offers to its reader. But the desire of diversity may be too much indulged; the parts of "Windsor Forest" which deserve least praise are those which were added to enliven the stillness of the scene the appearance of Father Thames, and the transformation of Lodona.