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Other exports are furniture, boots and shoes, wooden clocks, and all articles of American manufacture, or such as are used among civilized men. All the vessels bring New England rum, leaf-tobacco, powder, guns, large brass pans, and cotton cloth. On these points, a great deal of correct information has been given by Dr. Hall, and may be found in some of the numbers of the African Repository.

Nilen is chewing manfully, and spitting over the end of the bed. "Do you chew?" asks Pelle, and hastens to offer him the leaf-tobacco. "Yes, we all do; a fellow has to when he works all night." Pelle cannot understand how people can keep going day and night. "All the bakers in Copenhagen do so that the people can get fresh bread in the morning and our master wants to introduce it here.

Nilen is chewing manfully, and spitting over the end of the bed. "Do you chew?" asks Pelle, and hastens to offer him the leaf-tobacco. "Yes, we all do; a fellow has to when he works all night." Pelle cannot understand how people can keep going day and night. "All the bakers in Copenhagen do so that the people can get fresh bread in the morning and our master wants to introduce it here.

The price paid to the native agents for a full grown male slave, is about one musket, twelve pieces of romauls, one cutlass, a demijohn of rum, a bar of iron, a keg of powder, and ten bars of leaf-tobacco, the whole amounting to the value of thirty to thirty-five dollars. A female is sold for about a quarter less; and boys of twelve or thirteen command only a musket and two pieces of romauls.

These two years he had taken turn beside his father with ax and scythe, driven the big wood-sleigh over the hard snow, sown and reaped on his own responsibility; and thus it was that no one disputed his right freely to express an opinion and to smoke incessantly the strong leaf-tobacco.

During the years of 1848 and 49, the Government were not in the habit of selling leaf-tobacco for export, but they have again resumed the practice of 1847, which, however, is likely to be stopped soon again; how soon, it is impossible to say probably just when the caprice of the director of tobacco inclines him, as he is an influential person, generally, in his own department.