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Updated: February 15, 2025
The boat was crowded with passengers, many of whom had passed out of the forward cabin doors, and were pushing toward the bow, eager to be the first to leap ashore, scarcely willing to wait till the lattice-like gates were drawn aside to allow them to pass. Some were smoking, many were talking, and no one was dreaming of anything wrong, when the alarming cry resounded through the frosty air.
Once inside the blue room, without asking permission, Esther knelt straightway down before the brass andirons and with deft fingers placed a roll of twisted paper under a lattice-like pile of kindling, arranging three small pine logs in a triangle above it. But before setting a match to the paper she turned toward the other girl hovering about her like a butterfly.
This last was a little pleasantry that never materialized into the much-coveted and long abstained from delicacy. The hammocks were lashed up and stowed away in the "nettings," as the lattice-like receptacles are called, leaving the deck clear for the work of the day.
This is a peculiar lattice-like diaper, which occurs elsewhere at Rochester, in fragments that belonged probably to a beginning by him of the renovation of the choir, but has only been noticed at one other place: by the entrance to the crypt at Canterbury, where also it is due to him.
True, there were one or two drawbacks the heat, for instance, was terrific in that hemmed-in valley where only a transient breathing of the trade-wind penetrated at rare intervals; and the men soon found that paradise still harboured the serpent, for several snakes were seen and one was killed a diabolically handsome but most wicked-looking creature clothed in a skin of greyish black ornamented with a diamond pattern consisting of lattice-like lines of yellow, and having the flat heart-shaped head which betrayed its venomous character.
The difference between the working of the lattice-like band at H, and ladder-stitch G, is that, having completed your first triangle, you make, by buttonholing a stitch, a second triangle pointing the other way, which completes a rectangular shape. In the solid work shown at J, you make five buttonhole-stitches, gathering them to a point at the base, then another five, and so on.
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