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I use the word literary as it has often been used by others in characterizing the popular art-criticism of the time and in England much of the professional criticism also to denote a prominence given to the subject, the idea, the story l'anecdote, as a French critic calls it over the purely painter's work of a picture.

This even if we suppose its technical excellence to be great. How, then, shall such interest take the place of technical excellence? This modern love of l'anecdote is not exactly the cause perhaps, nor yet the effect, of the self-consciousness of modern art, but it goes hand in hand with it: they are manifestations of the same spirit in the two different spheres of worker and spectator.

Son ouvrage contient des détails précieux pour le géographe; il y en a même quelques uns pour l'antiquaire et l'historien: tels par exemple, que sa description d'un marais salant, et l'anecdote des livres Sibyllins brûlés

Les marchands de vin me font la cour comme les jolies femmes, pour que je daigne leur indiqner des connaisseurs assez riches pour payer les bonnes choses le prix qu'elles valent. Mon metier est de tout savoir, l'anecdote de la cour, le scandale de la ville, le secret des coulisses."

Even here, and in the allied fields of animal-painting, the desire for l'anecdote creeps in, and Landseer with all his talent often prostitutes his brush in the attempt to make his brutes the centre of dramatic action, and forces into them semi-human characteristics in order to extract from them tales or ideas of human interest.