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Updated: October 19, 2024
As Zelma bent and smiled in modest acknowledgment of renewed applause, led by royalty itself, her aspirations so speedily fulfilled, her genius so early crowned, even at that supreme moment, the grief of the woman would have outweighed the triumph of the artist, and saddened all those plaudits into knell-like sounds, could she have known that the miserable fiends of envy and jealousy had grasped her husband's heart and torn it out of her possession forever.
It struck with solemn self-importance, as if proclaiming the hour to foreclose a mortgage; and though not given to this sort of reflective speculation, McElwin must have been vaguely influenced by its knell-like stroke, for he nearly always glanced up as if a tribute were due to its promptness. A few minutes later Zeb Sawyer was shown into the room.
But the night was passing, and Beth still lay there, no tear on her cold white cheeks. The clock struck one, a knell-like sound in the night! Beth lay there, her hands folded on her breast, the prayer unuttered by her still lips one for death. The rest were sleeping quietly in their beds. They knew nothing of her suffering. They would never know.
But to those staid residents of Hampton who had thought themselves still to be living in the old New England tradition, he was the genius of an evil dream. Hard on his heels came a nightmare troop, whose coming brought to the remembrance of the imaginative the old nursery rhyme: "Hark! Hark! The dogs do bark, The beggars are come to town." It has, indeed, a knell-like ring.
But to those staid residents of Hampton who had thought themselves still to be living in the old New England tradition, he was the genius of an evil dream. Hard on his heels came a nightmare troop, whose coming brought to the remembrance of the imaginative the old nursery rhyme: "Hark! Hark! The dogs do bark, The beggars are come to town." It has, indeed, a knell-like ring.
But to those staid residents of Hampton who had thought themselves still to be living in the old New England tradition, he was the genius of an evil dream. Hard on his heels came a nightmare troop, whose coming brought to the remembrance of the imaginative the old nursery rhyme: "Hark! Hark! The dogs do bark, The beggars are come to town." It has, indeed, a knell-like ring.
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