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The engineer would look at a register and yell back at the manager, who would then set some figures in a book and rush over to the man who was reckoning up the decreasing or increasing amperes or kilowatts or whatever they were of her storage-batteries, and set down more figures; and if the boss had to yell his head off to make himself heard, be sure that the others had to yell even louder.

"I've come back," said Hoddan, "for a few more kilowatts." The red-headed man swore angrily. "Hush!" said Hoddan gently. "The Lady Fani is with us." The red-headed man jerked his head around and paled. Thal glowered at him. Others of Don Loris' retainers shifted their positions significantly, to make their oversized belt-knives handier. "We'll come in," said Hoddan.

Every part of the great room was plainly visible, and not a living being was even watching that vast instrument-board. "What do you make of it, Dick?" asked Crane, slowly. "No wiring tight beam transmission. The Fenachrone do it with two matched-frequency separable units. Millions and millions of kilowatts there, if I'm any judge. Absolutely automatic too, or else " Seaton's voice died away.

There was not the faintest sound, not the slightest vibration only the peculiar violet glow surrounding the shining copper cylinder in its massive universal bearing gave any indication of the thousands of kilowatts being generated in the mighty intra-atomic power-plant. Seaton studied it thoughtfully.

This may be carried out as follows: Suppose, in a station having a total capacity of 20,000 kilowatts, there are three machines, two of 6000 kilowatts each, and one of 8000 kilowatts, and it is desired to carry out a steady full-load test upon one of the 6000 kilowatts units.