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"I suppose he knows what he's about," said Mr. Persse; "but we, at any rate, must go and see." So they followed him; and in half an hour's time it became apparent that they were going to Kilcornan. But at Kilcornan they found a crowd almost equal to that which had stopped them at Moytubber.

But by going to Kilcornan he might throw them off his scent. So he started for Kilcornan, having whispered his orders to Barney Smith, but communicating his intentions to no one else. "What will you do, Daly?" said Sir Jasper Lynch. "Go on." "But where will you go?" inquired the baronet. He was a man about Daly's age, with whom Daly was on comfortable terms.

"I shall draw on. Barney, get the hounds together." Then he whispered to Barney Smith that the hounds should go on to Kilcornan. Now Kilcornan was a place much beloved by foxes, about ten miles distant from Moytubber. It was not among the coverts appointed to be drawn on that day, which all lay back towards Ahaseragh. At Kilcornan the earths would be found to open.

Kilcornan is a large demesne, into which they would, in the ordinary course, have made their entrance through the lodge gate. At present they went at once to an outlying covert, which was supposed to be especially the abode of foxes; but even here, as Barney trotted up with his hounds, at a pace much quicker than usual, they found that the ground before them had been occupied by Landleaguers.

Daly did not put his hounds into the covert at all; but rode away as fast as his horse's legs could carry him to Kilcornan." "That must be ten miles at least," said his father. "Twenty, I should think. But we rode away at a hand-gallop, leaving the crowd behind us." This again was an exaggeration.

"But when we got to the covert at Kilcornan there was just the same sort of crowd, and just the same work had been on foot. The men there all told us that we need not expect to find a fox. A rumour had got about the field by this time that Tom Daly had a loaded pistol in his pocket. What he meant to do with it I don't know. He could have done no good without a regular massacre."