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Each went back to his own unit, more on guard then ever before for the slightest hint of irregularity in personnel or equipment. The electronics group of Pegasus was just about at a standstill. Dick Earle and Frank Miller had gone to the firing area, to lend the Orion group a hand. Dr. Bond remained, along with Kassick and Sherman.

No one is authorized to enter now until the monk is placed at zero minus thirty minutes." Then he led Rick across the desert to the blockhouse. There were sandwiches and coffee on a table near the door. They helped themselves, then went and stood behind Dick Earle, who was paired off with Charlie Kassick. "Punch up the nose section," Gee-Gee requested.

This was the field test of the drone system the only time it would be checked in actual flight until the day of use. While Rick, Dr. Bond, and Dick Earle installed the flying portion of the system in the plane, Gee-Gee Gould, Phil Sherman, and Charlie Kassick installed the control section in the blockhouse. The installation took all day.

Rick stared at it. If only ... He fought his body's tendency to fly to the top of the rocket and got a firm grip with one leg around the channel under the spacemonk, then he took the stethoscope bell and began to tap in Morse code: T-A-K-E C-O-N-T-R-O-L T-A-K-E C-O-N-T-R-O-L. In the blockhouse, Charlie Kassick was watching the display with an anxious eye.

Try to overlook it, because he's an extremely competent engineer. We'd have great trouble replacing him." Rick nodded. "Yes, sir." The work progressed smoothly. Rick finished the part he was working on and was assigned another. He met other members of the project, including Phil Sherman and Charlie Kassick who, like himself, were technicians at work on wiring and assembly.