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"Middlin," sez I, not wishin to kommit myself, tho he peered to be as fine a man as there was in the wurld "It is a middlin fine day, Square," I obsarved. Sez he, "How fares the Ship of State in yure regine of country?" Sez I, "We don't hav no ships in our State the kanawl is our best holt." He pawsed a minit and then sed, "Air yu aware, Sir, that the krisis is with us?"

Konsequents was I was kickt vilently in the stummuck & back, and presuntly I fownd myself in the Kanawl with the other hosses, kickin & yellin like a tribe of Cusscaroorus savvijis. I was rescood, & as I was bein carrid to the tavern on a hemlock Bored I sed in a feeble voise, "Boys, playin hoss isn't my Fort."

MORUL Never don't do nothin which isn't your Fort, for ef you do you'll find yourself splashin round in the Kanawl, figgeratively speakin. The Shakers is the strangest religious sex I ever met.

I turnd my livin wild beests of Pray loose into the streets and spilt all my wax wurks. I then Bet I cood play hoss. So I hitched myself to a Kanawl bote, there bein two other hosses hitcht on also, one behind and anuther ahead of me. The driver hollerd for us to git up, and we did. But the hosses bein onused to sich a arrangemunt begun to kick & squeal and rair up.