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Equidem minime miror, si quando es in privatos dicatior, cum in ipsos principes tam facile inveharis, et tamen nullius injuria, aut vitae contumelia facit, ut tam sis promptus, aut copiosus in eorum objurgationem. Novi nonnullos qui abs te excipi deberent ab reliquorum caterva viri docti, egregii, omnique laude et commendatione dignissimi.

Said Stalky to Beetle: "I say, Beetle,quis custodet ipsos custodes?" "Don't ask me," said Beetle. "I'll have nothin' private with you. Ye can be as private as ye please the other end of the bench; and I wish ye a very good afternoon." McTurk yawned. "Well, ye should ha' come up to the lodge like Christians instead o' chasin' your a-hem boys through the length an' breadth of my covers.

"There you are numbered, we had rather you were weighed." SOUTH, in his oration at the opening of the theatre at Oxford, passed this bitter sarcasm on the naturalists, "Mirantur nihil nisi pulices, pediculos et se ipsos;" nothing they admire but fleas, lice, and themselves! The illustrious SLOANE endured a long persecution from the bantering humour of Dr.

One, a chain, from the lower part of the collar, which binds the horse’s chin to his breast, and another over the upper part of the collar, along and above the back to the tail, independent of the terret-pad and crupper. Sed quis custodes custodiet ipsos? What is to prevent the tail from falling forward with the body?