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Tartaglia's record of his conversation with Messer Juan Antonio, the emissary employed by Cardan, and of all the subsequent details of the controversy, is preserved in his principal work, Quesiti et Inventioni Diverse de Nicolo Tartalea Brisciano, a record which furnishes abundant and striking instance of his jealous and suspicious temper.

His copy of Nuove Inventioni di Balli may be seen in the British Museum, with large plates illustrating how to "gettare la gamba," that is, in the words of Chaucer, "with his legges casten to and fro." Prince Henry was skilful in these matters.

"Non ha datta fora tal opera come cose composto da sua testa ma come cose ellette raccolte e copiate de diverse libri a penna." Quesiti et Inventioni, p. 127. Perhaps he wrote them down as an apology or a defence against the storm which he anticipated as soon as Tartaglia should have seen the new Algebra.

Ibi persenex decessit." Papadopoli, Hist. Gymn. Pata., ii. p. 210. This work is the chief authority for the facts which follow. The edition referred to is that of Venice, 1546. Quesiti et Inventioni, p. 115.

"Having former knowledge and delight in ironworks of my father's when I was but a youth, afterwards, at twenty years old, was I fetched from Oxford, then of Baliol College, anno 1619, to look after and manage three ironworks of my father's, one furnace and two forges in the chace of Pensnel, in Worcestershire; but wood and charcoal growing very scanty, and pit-coals in great quantities abounding near the furnace, did induce me to alter my furnace and to attempt by my new invention, the making of iron with pit-coal, and found at my trial or blast, facere est addere inventioni.