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We need not marvel at the sting of the bee causing the bee's own death; at drones being produced in such vast numbers for one single act, and being then slaughtered by their sterile sisters; at the astonishing waste of pollen by our fir-trees; at the instinctive hatred of the queen bee for her own fertile daughters; at ichneumonidae feeding within the live bodies of caterpillars; and at other such cases.

In this Order slight differences in colour, according to sex, are common, but conspicuous differences are rare except in the family of Bees; yet both sexes of certain groups are so brilliantly coloured for instance in Chrysis, in which vermilion and metallic greens prevail that we are tempted to attribute the result to sexual selection. In the Ichneumonidae, according to Mr.

Walsh, B.D., on the proportion of the sexes in Papilio Turnus; on the Cynipidae and Cecidomyidae; on the jaws of Ammophila; on Corydalis cornutus; on the prehensile organs of male insects; on the antennae of Penthe; on the caudal appendages of dragonflies; on Platyphyllum concavum; on the sexes of the Ephemeridae; on the difference of colour in the sexes of Spectrum femoratum; on sexes of dragon-flies; on the difference of the sexes in the Ichneumonidae; on the sexes of Orsodacna atra; on the variation of the horns of the male Phanaeas carnifex; on the coloration of the species of Anthocharis.

Ibis, white, change of colour of naked skin in, during the breeding season; scarlet, young of the. Ibis tantalus, age of mature plumage in; breeding in immature plumage. Ibises, decomposed feathers in; white; and black. Ichneumonidae, difference of the sexes in. Ichthyopterygia. Ichthyosaurians.

Finally, it may not be a logical deduction, but to my imagination it is far more satisfactory to look at such instincts as the young cuckoo ejecting its foster-brothers, ants making slaves, the larvae of ichneumonidae feeding within the live bodies of caterpillars, not as specially endowed or created instincts, but as small consequences of one general law leading to the advancement of all organic beings namely, multiply, vary, let the strongest live and the weakest die.

I cannot persuade myself that a beneficent and omnipotent God would have designedly created the Ichneumonidae with the express intention of their feeding within the living bodies of caterpillars, or that a cat should play with mice.... I am inclined to look at everything as resulting from designed laws, with the details, whether good or bad, left to the working out of what we may call chance.

We need not marvel at the sting of the bee causing the bee's own death; at drones being produced in such vast numbers for one single act, and with the great majority slaughtered by their sterile sisters; at the astonishing waste of pollen by our fir-trees; at the instinctive hatred of the queen-bee for her own fertile daughters; at ichneumonidae feeding within the live bodies of caterpillars; and at other such cases.

We need not marvel at the sting of the bee, when used against the enemy, causing the bee's own death; at drones being produced in such great numbers for one single act, and being then slaughtered by their sterile sisters; at the astonishing waste of pollen by our fir-trees; at the instinctive hatred of the queen-bee for her own fertile daughters; at ichneumonidae feeding within the living bodies of caterpillars; and at other such cases.

Finally, it may not be a logical deduction, but to my imagination it is far more satisfactory to look at such instincts as the young cuckoo ejecting its foster-brothers, ants making slaves, the larvae of ichneumonidae feeding within the live bodies of caterpillars, not as specially endowed or created instincts, but as small consequences of one general law, leading to the advancement of all organic beings, namely, multiply, vary, let the strongest live and the weakest die.