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"I came out this evening," said Finney, "to tell you that last March in Ohio I saw her." His voice fell at the pronoun in sympathetic sorrow. "Yes?" "When I was about to return from Cincinnati I was advised to go northward to the Erie Canal, in order that I might pass through that part of the State which has been sorely infected by the cancer of that hypocrite's teaching."

And the people may turn round again: there may be a story raised of the French king coming again, or some other cursed chance in the hypocrite's favour. The city will never be safe till he's out of it." "He will be out of it before long, without your giving yourself any further trouble than this little comedy of the Trial by Fire.

O the damnable schemes that professed Christians will engage in until God puts his fingers into the collar of the hypocrite's robe and rips it clear down to the bottom! You have no right, because you are well off, to conclude that your children are going to be as well off. A man died, leaving a large fortune. His son, a few months ago, fell dead in a Philadelphia grog-shop.

So He would say, with terrible irony, that the apparent holiness of the rulers was really a sign of corruption, and a warning to keep away from them. What a blow at their self-complacency! And how profoundly true it is that the more punctiliously white the hypocrite's outside, the more foul is he within, and the wider berth will all discerning people give him!

What she did, she intended to do. The mother would not have encouraged her. The father idolized her; and the father was a frank hedonist, whose blood . . . speculation on horseback gallops to barren extremes. Eyes like hers if there had not been the miserable dupes of girls! Conduct is the sole guide to female character. That likewise may be the hypocrite's mask.

Honoria had declined the invitation engraved in the correctest shaded Old English and made to include the senator and Miss Anners and was planning a free evening for herself and her guest. After the café dinner a dinner at which Evan Blount, once more calling himself all the hard names in the hypocrite's vocabulary, made the fourth Mrs.