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In a surface condenser, inspection of the pumps delivering condensed steam to the measuring tanks or hot-well; inspection of piping between the condenser and the pump, and also between the pump and measuring tanks. If these pumps are of the centrifugal type it is essential to insure, for the purposes of a steam-consumption test, as much regularity of delivery as possible.

The inlet pipes H I are placed directly above the outlet valves, and thus, when required, before any measurements are taken, the water can flow directly through the outlet valves, the pipes terminating only a short distance above them, away to an auxiliary tank or directly to the hot-well. Levers K and L fulcrumed at J and J are connected to the valve spindles by auxiliary levers.

It does, however, increase the quantity of water to be handled from the hot-well, and incidentally lowers the temperature there, which, whether the feed-water pass through economizers or otherwise, is not advisable from an economical standpoint.

With the very best system, it is possible for a slight quantity of oil to leak into the exhaust steam, and thence to the hot-well. In its passage, say along wooden conduits, to the measuring tank or meter, this water would probably pass through a number of filters. The efficiency of these must be thoroughly insured.

For the present purpose we may assume that the glands are supplied with either steam or water for sealing them. All steam supplied to the turbine obviously goes to swell the hot-well contents, and to thus increase the total steam consumption. The ordinary steam gland is in reality a pressure gland.

Darnel did not die immediately of his wounds, but he lingered a long time, as it were in the arms of death, and even partly recovered, yet, in all probability, he will never be wholly restored to the enjoyment of his health, and is obliged every summer to attend the hot-well at Bristol. As his wounds began to heal, his hatred to Mr.

The captain of the Claverhouse, however, got underweigh, but before getting very far his engineer reported that the hot-well cover had broken in two. It was temporarily repaired, and she got along famously until they came to a bend in the river where there was much packed ice. For two hours manoeuvring continued without any appreciable result.

Under ordinary circumstances a three- to five-minute interval is sufficient in the case of all steam-pressure, vacuum including mercurial columns and barometer superheat and temperature readings. Gland and Hot-Well Regulation There are two highly important features requiring more or less constant attention throughout a test, namely the gland and hot-well regulation.

Starting of condenser circulating-water pumps, and continuous circulation of circulating water through the tubes of condenser. Starting of pump delivering condensed steam from the condenser hot-well to weighing tanks. Starting of air pump, vacuum being raised as high as possible within condenser.

An unnecessarily large clearance means a proportionally large increase in gland steam consumption and vice versa. When the turbine glands are sealed with water, all water leakage which takes place into the turbine, and ultimately to the condenser hot-well, must be measured and subtracted from the hot-well contents at the end of a test.