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But there were other times times when the dancing wall-shadows were dark specters of ill-omen gloating ghoulishly before her horror-widened eyes as her brain conjured the picture of the man battered, broken, helpless, with bloated, sottish features, and bleared eyes a beaten man drifting heedlessly, hopelessly, furtive-eyed, away from his standards and from her.

I'll get one or two while they're doin' it!" He seemed stronger now than ever. Sheer will power was keeping him on his feet. Seizing two revolvers, one in each big fist, he wabbled through the door. With horror-widened eyes, they watched his reeling progress. He faltered to the hitch rack with bullets humming all around him.

Then he slumped to the ground in a sort of uncanny sitting posture, his head sunk upon his knees. Ruth stood looking down upon him with horror-widened eyes. Dulac hurled his weapon into the bushes and turned upon her furiously, seizing her arm and dragging her to him so that his eyes, glowing with unreason, could burn into hers. "Oh " she moaned.

They called out in their impotence, and they gazed with horror-widened eyes. But almost at once the drama was hidden from them. The twilight dropped its gray curtains between; besides, the waters had swept their struggling figures down the stream and out of their sight. Already the river looked just the same.