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"Hoo! hoo-oo-oo-oo!" till the mountains rolled back the cry like the rolling of a typhoon; and once more the pealing of the gongs paralyzed voice and hearing. Then Tchin-King, looking at Hi-lié, saw that he laughed, and that the words of the letter would not again be listened to.

As he toiled painfully along hundreds of feet behind them, Florian used to take a hideous pleasure in fancying how, on reaching the ever-distant top, the Harvard hellions would be missing. "Yoo-o-o hoo-oo-oo-oo!" Jessie, up the trail. His rosy dream would vanish. He learned why seasoned mountain climbers make nothing of the ascent.

And a roar went up like the roar of the sea, a roar of rage, and the hideous battle-moan, like the moan of a forest in storm, "Hoo! hoo-oo-oo-oo!" and the sword-lightnings brake loose, and the thunder of the gongs moved the ground beneath the messenger's feet. But Hi-lié waved his gilded wand, and again there was silence. "Nay!" spake the rebel chief; "let the dog bark!" So Tchin-King spake on:

I hope they'll let me stay in these forests 'till the Great Spirit takes me away to my people. He can't find me in the houses, but if I keep out in the forest, I hope he'll find me soon. It's been a weary, long time." "Are you two hundred years old?" asked Benny softly. "That's what folks say." "Two hunderd? Hoo-oo-oo-oo! two hunderd? I'm ten hundered, if I'm a day," said the poor old creature.

"I didn't know what it meant when I first heard it, but I know now. Hoo-oo-oo-oo!" "I wish you'd tell us about it," said Benny. "Tell us about beginning to learn it when you wa'n't much bigger'n Pettikins." "That's when the colonel said we must move west'ard," said the witch, laying her pipe down on the log, leaning her elbows on her knees, and resting her bony jaws in the palms of her hands.