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The prime cost of a dozen-case, each bottle containing about a quart, fitted with wooden divisions and packed with husks, chaff, or sawdust, is 3s. 6d.; in retail it is sold for 6s., or 6d. per bottle. Strange to say, it has the flavour of good hollands.

"He poured the fiery Hollands in, the man that never feared, He took a long and solemn draught, and wiped his yellow beard; And one by one the musketeers the men that fought and prayed All drank as 't were their mother's milk, and not a man afraid.

"I will have no 'buts'. Belle, I expect that with as little delay as possible, you procure, at my expense, the best Hollands you can find." Time passed on, and Belle and I lived in the dingle; when I say lived, the reader must not imagine that we were always there.

"Why, my dear sir, medically speaking, I am strongly of opinion that, when the human stomach is made to contain a large quantity of alcohol, it produces bad effects upon the system. Now, I've certainly taken one glass of this infernally strong Hollands, and it is now lying in my stomach like the red-hot heater of a tea-urn." "Is it? put it out with another, then."

"Shed not their blood! shed not their blood!" continued to exclaim a well-known voice amongst the band of smugglers for such the reader may have guessed they were. It was the voice of Walter Gibson, well known to many of the smugglers; for again and again they had supplied Auchincairn with Hollands and Nantz.

Moreover, but two months before had gone from London Captain Hare in the bark Minion, for Brazil, and a company of adventurers with him, with Sheffield hardware, and "Devonshire and Northern kersies," hollands and "Manchester cottons," for there was a great opening for English goods by the help of one John Whithall, who had married a Spanish heiress, and had an ingenio and slaves in Santos.

We had never heard of Geneva in liquid form, but it appeared that "Geneva" or "Hollands" and gin were all the same thing; and Cousin Robert seemed almost offended when I said it was nice, with hot water and sugar, for a cold in the head.

Without asking farther questions, the landlady filled Dick Ostler a bumper of Hollands. He ducked with his head and shoulders, scraped with his more advanced hoof, bolted the alcohol, to use the learned phrase, and withdrew to his own domains. "I would advise thee, Jeanie," said Mrs.

"Our liking or disliking him had nothing to do with the matter, he was our visitor and ought not to have been permitted to depart dry; living as we do in this desert, we ought always to be prepared to administer to the wants of our visitors. Belle, do you know where to procure any good Hollands?" "I think I do," said Belle, "but "

They instructed the new settlers in the best art of curing and smoking tobacco, while the latter, in return, made them drunk with true Hollands and then taught them the art of making bargains.