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We'll tell him we'rre herre to back the Kaiser, hey?" "S'pose he's a Frenchman that belongs in Alsace," Tom queried. "Then we'll add on out o' France. We'll say look out for that rock! We'll just say we'rre herre to back the Kaiser, and if he looks sourr we'll say; out o' France. Back the Kaiser out o' France. We win either way, see?

Evidently they had not come for the fugitives and the thought occurred to Archer that they might be fugitives themselves. "Vell, vat you do here, huh?" one asked. Archer was managing this affair and he managed it in his own sweet way. "We're herre because we're herre," he said, in a perfect riot of rolling R's. "You German no?" "No, thank goodness! We'rre not," Archer said recklessly.

Humanism was the new power, the new channel into which men were turning in the days when "our naturell, yong, lusty and coragious prynce and sovrayne lord King Herre the Eighth entered into the flower of pleasaunt youthe."

"To the President of the Employers' Union, Herre H. Meyer, Shoemaker to the Court. "Being in receipt of your honored favor of yesterday's date hereby acknowledged, I take the liberty of remarking that so far as is known to me complete quiet and the most orderly conditions prevail throughout the trade. There appears therefore to be no motive for negotiation. "For the Shoemakers' Union,

"I guess we're safe herre forr tonight, anyway," said Archer, "but believe me, I think we've got some job on our hands getting out of this country. It's going to be no churrch sociable " "We got this far," said Tom, "and by tomorrow night we ought to have a good plan doped out. We got nothing to do all day tomorrow but think about it."

Yet what bade fair a moment ago to be a tragedy, seemed now to halt grotesquely. For Tournelli, throwing open his linen jacket with a melodramatic gesture, tapped his breast, and with flashing eyes and suppressed accents said, "Sare; you wantah me? Look I am herre!" The speculator leaned back in his chair in good-humored astonishment.