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He merely gave them one casual glance of inquiry, and then looked away, apparently at the room-numbers on the lintels. The young woman chanced to be tapping half-carelessly, half-nervously, with her key on the panel of her door. It meant nothing to her comrade, but to the passing man it resolved itself into an intelligible and coherent message.

These words were said as Daniel had just re-entered the room, and he stopped and asked, 'Where to? 'To a Whiteboy village called Cruhan, some ten miles off, close to an old castle I have been sketching. 'Do you mean to go there to-morrow? asked he, half-carelessly; but not waiting for her answer, and as if fully preoccupied, he turned and left the room.

It can do him no harm to love him the very act of loving is blessedness to me." So thinking, she left her chamber. It was long before the old lady's time for rising. There was no one in the breakfast-room, but she saw Harold walking on the garden terrace. Very soon he came in with some heliotrope in his hand. He did not give it to Olive, but laid it by her plate, observing, half-carelessly,

But Hyldreda turned away, for Kong Tolv had commanded her never to hear or utter the holy Name. She began to inquire about her long-forgotten home, but half-carelessly, as if she had no interest in it now. "And who was it," she asked, "that wept on the hill-side until the tears dropped through, staining my palace walls?"

He waited patiently and in silence presently Allerdyke dug a finger into his ribs. "She's coming!" he whispered. "Now!" Appleyard looked half-carelessly across the street the next instant he was devoutly thanking his stars that since boyhood he had sedulously trained himself to control his countenance. He made no sign, gave no indication of previous acquaintance, as he watched Mrs.

"Your voice grows richer with the passing years, Victor," Elinor said softly. "I wanted to hear it again the first time I heard you speak out there one September day." "It is well to grow rich in something," Victor said, half-earnestly, half-carelessly.

"What are you going to do about this?" interrupted Brent, glancing round the room. "Set the wires to work," answered Hawthwaite half-carelessly. "Unless she and Mallett have laid their plans with extraordinary cleverness, they can't get out of the country. A noticeable pair too! Went out very early this morning, cycling, did she? I must have a talk to the servants. And that companion, now Mrs.