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Most of us still call her the Merrimac. It was the morning of the eighth. The sun shone brightly and the water was very blue blue and still. There were sea-gulls, I remember, flying overhead, screaming as they flew and the marshes were growing emerald " "Yes, yes! What did Commodore Buchanan want?" "Don't be impatient, Molly! You women don't in the least look like Griseldas!

"Griseldas are made to do anything," said Lady Glencora, "and of course she must come."

"I hate your Griseldas, your Jessamys, your Mary Anns; give me Semiramis, Dido, Joan of " "My dear Tom, not all at once, I hope." "Bah! you are so taken up with your own choice, that you must needs scoff at anyone who happens to differ. I tell you, woman should be imperial, majestic; should walk as a queen and talk as a goddess.

In fact, the difficulty with most of the preaching of life is its essential insincerity, for it counsels patience for that which it feels but little. We bear the troubles of others, on the whole, very well. Nevertheless, there are Griseldas everywhere whom one would respect far more if they rebelled against their tyrants and taskmasters.

And we look, therefore, to you mothers to bring into the world that Christian ideal of marriage which at present is practically shut up between the covers of our Bibles, that the man is to love the woman, the husband the wife, "as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for it"; not our ideal of the self-sacrificing woman our patient Griseldas and Enids and all the rest of it but the self-sacrificing man, who is but poorly represented in our literature at all, the man who loves the woman and gives himself for her, holding all the strongest forces and passions of his nature for her good, to crown her with perfect wifehood and perfect motherhood.

If women will marry they should be as patient as Griselda, in case there ever was such a woman; if not, there's an end of the matter." "There are no Griseldas in this century, grandmother." "Then there ought to be no marriages. Basil Stanhope was a grand man in public. What kind of a man was he in his home? Measure a man by his home conduct, and you'll not go wrong.