United States or Sudan ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

At length, after the sails were furled and the anchor carried out, the boat pulled ashore, and the news soon flew that the expected ship had arrived at Santa Barbara, and that Captain T had taken command of her, and her captain, Faucon, had taken the Pilgrim, and was the green-jacketed man on the quarter-deck.

Presently a low opening or gateway appeared, followed by the challenge of a green-jacketed sentry, and the sentence, "Dios y Libertad" It was repeated in the interior of a dusky courtyard, surrounded by a low corridor, where a dozen green-jacketed men of aboriginal type and complexion, carrying antique flintlocks, were drawn up as a guard of honor.

The rain had driven most of the frogs and other croaking creatures to cover. But now and then a sudden rumble "Better-go-roun'!" or "Knee-deep! Knee-deep!" proclaimed the presence of the green-jacketed gentlemen with the yellow vests. "Goodness me! I'd be scared to death to travel this road by myself," Nan said, as they rode on. "The frogs make such awful noises."

At length, after the sails were furled and the anchor carried out, her boat pulled ashore, and the news soon flew that the expected ship had arrived at Santa Barbara, and that Captain Thompson had taken command of her, and her captain, Faucon, had taken the Pilgrim, and was the green-jacketed man on the quarter-deck.

Why don't you ask HIM?" she said, pointing to the green-jacketed subaltern who was accompanying them. Senor Perkins looked half embarrassed. "Repeat your question, my dear lady, and I will translate it." "Ask him if there are any women at the Presidio." Senor Perkins drew the subaltern aside. Presently he turned to Mrs. Brimmer.

Even now, when I doze in my arm-chair, I can see those great warriors stream before me the green-jacketed chasseurs, the giant cuirassiers, Poniatowsky's lancers, the white-mantled dragoons, the nodding bearskins of the horse grenadiers.

"Aha!" said Richie, throwing more than his usual wisdom into his looks, "so you were the green-jacketed waterman that rowed Lord Glenvarloch down the river?" "Wha is she, man?" said Richie; "she must be an ill-fashioned piece, if you're so much afraid of her, and she come of such high kin." "I mean the rack the rack, man," said Jenkin.