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He owned that there were scarce three hundred men in the fort and that, believing the French to number at least two-thousand, they were completely terror-stricken. This news delighted Gourges, and next morning he prepared to attack. The fort was easily taken. When the Spaniards saw the French attack, panic seized them and they fled into the forest.

Concealing somewhat his joy at this answer, De Gourges said, "I will take thee gladly, lad, an thou wilt go with us: but art thou prepared to relinquish thy chieftainship of these Alachuas, and become once more the plain citizen of a country where such rank is not recognized?"

A French privateer, Dominique de Gourges, whose name deserves to be held in honour and remembrance, sailed from Rochelle, collected a body of American Indians, swooped down upon the Spanish forts, and hanged their pious inmates, wretches not less guilty than the authors of St. Bartholomew, with the appropriate legend, "Not as Spaniards, but as murderers."

De Gourges lamented that he had not known of its existence sooner, in which case he would have used it as a mine, in which to place powder and blow the walls of the fort about the ears of the Spaniards. When they reached the point at which Réné had left the books and papers, they found that, even as he feared, they had been removed, so that no trace of them remained.

"If you have been ill-treated by the Spaniards," he said, "the French will avenge you." At this Satouriona, leaped for joy. "What!" he cried, "will you fight the Spaniards?" "Yes," replied Gourges, "but you must do your part also." "We will die with you," cried Satouriona, "if need be." "That is well," said Gourges. "How soon can you be ready? For if we fight we should fight at once."

John's, the visit of John Hawkins in 1565 with timely relief, the return of Ribault from France and his sad fate, the ferocity of Melendez against all heretic Frenchmen, and the avenging chivalry of Dominic de Gourges.