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I say, Rosalie, what a rumpus there will be at the theatre! But it is not possible " "Our benefactor must not live in a garret " "Pshaw! for die few tays dat I haf to lif it ees fery komfortable," said Schmucke. "Goot-pye; I am going to der zemetery, to see vat dey haf don mit Bons, und to order som flowers for his grafe." Mme. Camusot de Marville was consumed by the liveliest apprehensions.

And Jacob soberly bade Ben "Goot-pye!" and walked off with his satchel as if it weighed a hundred pounds. The Crisis While the boys are nursing their fatigue, we will take a peep into the Brinker cottage. Can it be that Gretel and her mother have not stirred since we saw them last? That the sick man upon the bed has not even turned over?

"Goot-pye, mine bac'n!" The monkey came up grinning triumphantly. Thinking he had done something worthy of a penny, he added to Billy Buch's woe by taking off his comical cap and passing it around for a collection. He was honest in it, but the crowd took it as irony, and amid their laughter Jud and Billy slipped away.

I say, Rosalie, what a rumpus there will be at the theatre! But it is not possible " "Our benefactor must not live in a garret " "Pshaw! for die few tays dat I haf to lif it ees fery komfortable," said Schmucke. "Goot-pye; I am going to der zemetery, to see vat dey haf don mit Bons, und to order som flowers for his grafe." Mme. Camusot de Marville was consumed by the liveliest apprehensions.