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Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft, 14, 1662. In accordance with an announcement in the March number of the Naturalist, the editor of this department has sent out the seed of two species of pyrethrum, viz. P. roseum and P. cinerarioefolium, to a large number of correspondents in different parts of North America.

This point of view was vigorously championed by the speakers on sexual education at the Third Congress of the German Gesellschaft zur Bekämpfung der Geschlechtskrankheiten in 1907.

The famous firm of Krupps, for instance, had its affairs closely interwoven with those of the Berliner Disconto Gesellschaft, and was more than once rescued from bankruptcy by its timely assistance. Similar help was afforded to the celebrated firm of Bauer which is known throughout the world for its synthetical medicines.

It is good petrol; I know it, for ze firma receive large consignments of it from ze highly respectable firma I haf ze honour to represent Schlagintwert Gesellschaft of Düsseldorf. Sir, viz compliments." He took from a capacious pocket a bulky book in a red paper wrapper. "Zis is our price list, sir, revise and correct.

It was a German version of the French book by Bouilly, which had been made by Joseph Sonnleithner, an intimate friend of Schubert, founder of the Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde, who had recently been appointed secretary of the Austrian court theatres as successor of Kotzebue.

One in particular, named Wilhelm Hellpern, first became a Belgian, then as Willy Hellpern a British subject, and finally, with a view to obtaining a place on the Board of the Société Française de l'Industrie Chimique, applied for and received naturalization in France. This "Willy" Hellpern was a representative of the Central Gesellschaft für chemische Industrie. Cf.

The G with the small t stands for 'Gesellschaft, which is the German for 'Company. It is a customary contraction like our 'Co. P, of course, stands for 'Papier. Now for the Eg. Let us glance at our 'Continental Gazetteer'." He took down a heavy brown volume from his shelves. "Eglow, Eglonitz here we are, Egria. It is in a German-speaking country in Bohemia, not far from Carlsbad.

Prior to the war period, between the years 1910 and 1914, a German undertaking called the Deutsche Luftfahrt Actien Gesellschaft conducted a commercial Zeppelin service in which four airships known as the Sachsan, Hansa, Victoria Louise, and Schwaben were used.

Deutsche Bank, 248 million marks; Diskonto Gesellschaft, 149 millions; Dresdner Bank, 261 millions; Darmstädter Bank, 192 millions; Berliner Handelsg. 145 millions; Commerz- u. Diskonto Bank, 100 millions; Nationalbank, 98 millions; Mitteldeutsche Kreditbank, 69 million marks.

It is claimed by Goebel that Goethe’sHomunculus,” suggested to the master partly by reading of Paracelsus and partly by Sterne’s mediation, is in some characteristics of his being dependent directly on Sterne’s creation. In a meeting of theGesellschaft für deutsche Litteratur,” November, 1896, Brandl expressed the opinion that Maria of Moulines was a prototype of Mignon inWilhelm Meister.”