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Mark felt no embarrassment in genuflecting to salute him; the action was spontaneous and was not dictated by any ritualistic indulgence. Dr. Oliphant, as he might have guessed from the anger with which his appointment had been received, was in outward semblance all that a prelate should be. "Why do you want to be a priest?" the Bishop asked him abruptly.

It was not so much she he loved as what she represented. His attention was momentarily distracted by the remarkable antics of an elderly man. This person was bowing and genuflecting before the goddess, rolling his eyes upward, throwing out his hands, clasping and wringing them a pantomime of speechless admiration. To Andrew he looked like an elderly billy-goat with a thorn in its hoof.

Because kings wore purple, they put an old purple garment upon Him, and made Him a mock king, genuflecting in ridicule as they passed before Him. They struck Him in the face and spat upon Him; and yet it seems our patient Lord said not a word in complaint. Then they put His garments upon Him, and Pilate asked the people what he should do with Him, and they cried, "Crucify Him."

He had a large, well-cut face, rather yellowish in colour, with very bright, half-veiled black eyes. Monsignor kissed the ring without genuflecting, as the custom was in the Vatican, and sat down on the chair indicated. No one spoke for a moment. "How much have you heard, Monsignor?" asked Cardinal Bellairs abruptly.

"While we were salaaming and genuflecting and using grandiloquent phrases the bally leopard got loose, somehow. Maybe some one let him loose; I don't know. Anyhow, he made for the king, who was too thunderstruck to dodge. The rest of 'em took to their heels, you may lay odds on that. Now, I had an honest liking for the king. Seeing the brute make for him, I dashed forward.