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Pete Gafford's been mighty good to me him and his wife both; and I wouldn't like fur 'em to think I was gittin' stuck up jest because I've had this here streak of luck come to me.

You see, Peep, comin' into a property entails consider'ble many responsibilities right frum the start." "Yes, suh," assented the legatee obediently. "I'll do jest ez you say, Judge Priest, about the clothes and the shoes, and all that; but but, ef you don't mind, I'd like to go on livin' at Gafford's.

I help out round Gafford's liver' stable, and Pete Gafford he lets me sleep in a little room behind the feed room, and his wife she gives me my vittles. Oncet in a while I git a chancet to do odd jobs fur folks round town cuttin' weeds and splittin' stove wood and packin' in coal, and sech ez that." "Not much money in it, is there?" "No, suh; not much.

It was felt that mental befuddlement and mortal folly could reach no greater heights or no lower depths than on a certain hour of a certain day, along toward the end of August, when O'Day came forth from his quarters in Gafford's stables, wearing a pair of boots that M. Biederman's establishment had turned out to his order and his measure not such boots as a sensible man might be expected to wear, but boots that were exaggerated and monstrous counterfeits of the red-topped, scroll-fronted, brass-toed, stub-heeled, squeaky-soled bootees that small boys of an earlier generation possessed.