United States or Curaçao ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The annual fuel-oil consumption of the railroads alone has increased from 16-2/3 to 36-3/4 million barrels; the annual gasoline production from 540,000,000 gallons in 1909 to 3,500,000,000 gallons in 1918. This reference to the record of the past may be taken not only as justifying the earlier appeal for Federal action, but as warranting deliberate attention to the oil problem of to-day.

Instead of our fuel-oil supply being, let us say, 200,000,000 barrels, it would at once rise to 600,000,000 barrels or 700,000,000. I recognize that this is an impractical and unrealizable hope as applied to things as they are, but there is no reason why this should not be a very definite policy as to things that are to be.

In getting up steam a separate blaze or flame of alcohol or gasoline is made, which heats the steel or iron with which the fuel-oil comes in contact until it is sufficiently hot to turn the oil to gas, after which the burner works automatically. A hand air-pump or one automatically operated by the engine maintains sufficient air pressure in the fuel-tank to keep a constant flow.

I had directed him to place a depot of food and fuel-oil at lat. 80° S. in 1914-15, with cairns and flags as guides to a sledging party approaching from the direction of the Pole. He would place depots farther south in the 1915- 16 season. The 'Aurora' had an uneventful voyage southwards. She anchored off the sealing-huts at Macquarie Island on Christmas Day, December 25.

Moreover, her fuel-oil tankage isn't sufficient to take her too far foreign and back; added to which she is under American registry, employing American seamen, and I'd rather lay her up than put a coolie crew aboard and compete with the British tramps, with their Lascar and Chinamen, at six and seven dollars a month.