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The little girl's mother, stringing pop-corn in the kitchen for the Christmas tree at the school-house, looked out toward noon to see the farm restored, as if by enchantment, to the aspect of other and happier winters; and sorrowfully welcomed the winding-sheet that gave promise of the coming resurrection, when the grass and flowers should rise again from out the naked, charred ground, bright and glorious with the fresh-born spring.

She might wish him luck in the wars, but he knew her too well to have any illusions that this meant the giving of the great thing she had to give, unless in the full spontaneity of spirit. This afternoon, with the flood of returning strength, the question suddenly became commanding in a fresh-born suspense. As he walked back to the house he met Belvy Smith and some of the children.

"And what did you say to him?" "Oh, I I told him what I thought." "How we all waste opportunities!" I reflected. "You ought to have soothed him down. He was annoyed last night." Of course she asked how I knew it, and in the fresh-born candour of revived alliance I told her the story of our evening.

"Go back," he said. "Go back to your chair. Go and sit there." With wonder in her eyes and a smile fresh-born on her lips she obeyed him. "Well?" she said. "You're very odd. But why?" "I'm marrying her for Blent's sake and I think she's marrying me for Blent's sake." "I call that horrible." "No." He sprang to his feet. "If Blent was yours, what would you do to keep it?"