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We four'll stop at my house, an' then you can talk it over." Elvin obeyed, like a child tired of his own way. When they packed themselves into the wagon, where Dilly insisted on sitting behind, to make room, the Tiverton and Sudleigh people stood about in groups, to watch them. Hiram Cole came forward, just as Elvin took up the reins.

"You'd better leave that, I guess, and get some four-inch cribbing and some inch stuff and make some ladders; I guess there's enough lying 'round for that. About four'll do." It was no wonder that the Calumet K job had proved too much for Peterson. It was difficult from the beginning.

"Ye see, Take-a-Stitch, it's this way no use wastin' eight cents on a old ferry when four'll do. You look all over Broadway again. Then, if he ain't anywheres 'round there, go straight to them other crony captains o' hisn an' see. Bein's he can't tell difference 'twixt night an' day, how'd he know when to come back to the Lane, anyway?" "He always come 'fore," answered Glory, sorrowfully.

Why don't you be off?" "It's all right, sir," said the man who had first protested; "we can't stand by and let you and Mr Brace do the job by yourselves. We four'll help Dan peel the beggar as soon as they've fetched the rope from the brig."

"You'd better leave that, I guess, and get some four-inch cribbing and some inch stuff and make some ladders; I guess there's enough lying 'round for that. About four'll do." It was no wonder that the Calumet K job had proved too much for Peterson. It was difficult from the beginning.

At the end of the day all but four bodies had been recovered. "In the day o' judgment," a miner said, "they four'll come out of here." Those unclaimed bodies haunted Scorrier. He came on sentences of writing, where men waiting to be suffocated had written down their feelings. In one place, the hour, the word "Sleepy," and a signature. In another, "A. F. done for."

Two fingers'll make yo' comfortable an' sociable; three'll raise the devil in yo, an' four'll make yo' dancin' drunk, when yo'll have t' be held down. Yo'll have jest two fingers, an' not a drap more." "Jest another finger, 'Frony. Remember, yo've bin orful rough on me, an' I need more. I'll promise t' be good," pleaded Hackberry. "No, not a drap more'n two fingers now.