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We've been lying by so long that I was getting a little stiff in my joints, and Flipflap, my nag here, was getting stiff in his neck, as they say was the case with the Jews in old times, so I took your idea and put after you, thinking that you'd agree with me that bad company's far better than none."

"If that's the case, he had better keep his distance," said Dick determinedly. "I don't want any quarrels, but I despise a bully thoroughly." "So do I." "I wonder if this Flipflap ever heard of Dan Baxter," put in Tom. "If he has he ought to profit by the example." "Hullo, Tom's got a new name for Flapp," said one of the boys. "Isn't his name Flipflap?" questioned Tom innocently.

And thirdly, because it is continually flabbelled, blown upon, and aired by the north winds of the hole arstick, the fan of the smock, and flipflap of the codpiece. And lusty, my lads. Some bousing liquor, page! So! crack, crack, crack. O how good is God, that gives us of this excellent juice!

"What! so soon? Why, Lord bless you, Flipflap has scarcely got in motion yet. If such a stir will do for your nag 'twont do for him." But Stevens doggedly kept his horse's head along the back track, though the animal himself exhibited no small restiffness and a disposition to go forward. "Well, really, Parson Stevens, I take it as unkind that you turn back almost the very moment I join you.

In shitting yes'day I did know The sess I to my arse did owe: The smell was such came from that slunk, That I was with it all bestunk: O had but then some brave Signor Brought her to me I waited for, In shitting! I would have cleft her watergap, And join'd it close to my flipflap, Whilst she had with her fingers guarded My foul nockandrow, all bemerded In shitting. Now say that I can do nothing!