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The first exhibits in the domain of Bodge were not cheering or suggestive of value. For instance, from among the litter in a tumble-down shop Mr. Bodge produced something in the shape of a five-pointed star that he called his "Anti-stagger Shoe." "I saw old Ike Bradley go past here with a hard-cider jag that looped over till its aidges dragged on the ground," he explained.

It was into this scene of blood that we were hurled, and this was the condition which had become quite normal in the capital under the rule of the five-pointed Directorate. Its members were the most unmitigated failures that even poor distracted Russia had so far produced, and the people waited, hoping and longing, for their speedy removal.

He saw an unknown warrior riding towards him; clad in purple tunic; his hair yellow as gold, and his blue eyes shining like candles. A five-pointed lance was in his hand; his shield was ornamented with beads of gold. "A hundred thousand welcomes to you," said the high king. "Who is it you are?" "I know well who you are," said the warrior, "and for a long time."

He regretted that his collections were packed away, so that he could not show them that bunch of weed from the White Sea, the clay from Korholmerne, highly interesting stone formations from the bottom of the sea. The ladies peeped curiously at his shirt studs, the five-pointed coronets they meant that he was a Baron, of course.

Rank grass, waist high, grows upon the plain of Phutra the gorgeous flowering grass of the inner world, each particular blade of which is tipped with a tiny, five-pointed blossom brilliant little stars of varying colors that twinkle in the green foliage to add still another charm to the weird, yet lovely, landscape.

The camp in due course shed its white wings and became a dust-hued fort. As seen by an eagle soaring overhead, its shape is that of a five-pointed star, and on four of the points stood the officers' quarters, while on the fifth were the magazine and place d'armes.

I can tell you, it took some doing; but if I had not done so my photograph would have been spoilt, and I was tremendously keen to save it. I got back to my room, and then set-to and rubbed out the five-pointed star in which I had been sitting. "Half an hour later there was a tap at my door. It was Peter with my coffee. When I had drunk it, we both went along to the Grey Room.

As a matter of fact the six-pointed star was not adopted because of its use in English heraldry, while in Holland and France, our allies, five-pointed stars were used. Now, as to the claim that "Old Glory" was thus made in 1776 by Betsy Ross, what became of it?

Rank grass, waist high, grows upon the plain of Phutra the gorgeous flowering grass of the inner world, each particular blade of which is tipped with a tiny, five-pointed blossom brilliant little stars of varying colors that twinkle in the green foliage to add still another charm to the weird, yet lovely, landscape.

He looked almost gloomily on the mother who had upheld the pillars of state and the future generally. It was a beautiful medal. It was a five-pointed star. It said "Reward of Merit." The visiting gentleman lifted it from its bed of pink cotton. "You must get a ribbon for it," said Dear Teacher. Emmy Lou slipped her hand from Dear Teacher's. She went to the front desk.