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"I'd give a lot to know whether we've got the Germans licked or not," mused Fitts. "We've had nearly three years to do it in." "Depends entirely on the navy," said Platt, Minister of Marine, late of the U. S. Navy. "What can the navy do if the Germans will not come out?" demanded Landover. "Why, confound it all, the navy can go in, can't it?" "The British Navy hasn't," was Landover's reply.

There were present, besides Percival, State Treasurer Landover, Chief Justice Malone, Minister of War Platt, Minister of Marine Mott, Minister of Agriculture Pedro Drom, State Clerk Flattner, Surgeon General Cullen, Lord High Sheriff Shay, and the following members of the Executive Council: Snipe, Block, Jones, Fitts, Knapendyke, Calkins, Ruiz' and Alvara.

"With goddess-like demeanour forth she went Not unattended, for on her as queen, A pomp of winning graces waited still. And from about her shot darts of desire Into all eyes to wish her still in sight." "Are the ladies at home?" "Yes. Will you come inside?" said Fitts, with his politest bow, as he extended an exquisite little card receiver towards his visitors.

The gaze of all was centred upon two persons who walked rapidly in the direction taken by Fitts and his party. No one spoke for a few seconds. Flattner, after a quick look at Percival's set, scowling face, was the first to speak. To a certain degree, he understood the situation. It was out of pure consideration for his friend's feelings that he said: "I'll go and head 'em off, A. A."