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I saw the State, splendid and wide as I had seen it in that first travel of mine, but now it was no mere distant prospect of spires and pinnacles, but populous with fine-trained, bold-thinking, bold-doing people. It was as if I had forgotten for a long time and now remembered with amazement.

"What the devil !" he cried into the face of the aggressor; and in the act of speaking, recognised the man as him with whom Bayard Shaynon had been conversing in the lobby: that putative parvenu hard-faced, cold-eyed, middle-aged, fine-trained, awkward in evening dress.... The hand whose grasp he had broken shifted to his shoulder, closing fingers like steel hooks upon it.

Therefore, such devoirs as he paid the great goddess Aphrodite, were but few and fugitive he being by nature and temperament an idealist and a notably clean liver. By his abstention, however, sentiment was fine-trained rather than extinguished. His heart remained young, capable of being thrilled in instant response to any appeal of high and delicate quality.

Bayard Shaynon not far off, like himself waiting and with a vigilant eye reviewing the departing, the while he talked in close confidence with one who, a stranger to P. Sybarite, was briefly catalogued in his gallery of impressions as "hard-faced, cold-eyed, middle-aged, fine-trained but awkward very likely, nouveau riche;" and with this summary, dismissed from the little man's thoughts.

Let others the elephant mount, if it like them; as for me, I'll ride but the fine-trained colt on the day of the cavalcade. And a sixth: My loved one came to me by night And we did clip and interlace And lay together through the dark; But, lo, the morning broke apace. To God, my Lord, I pray that He Will reunite us of His grace And make night last to me, what while I hold my love in my embrace.