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Fanea, too, was unwearied in explaining the advantages of Christianity and the wonderful knowledge possessed by the missionaries, which enabled them to communicate their thoughts merely by making marks on a bit of paper. It is possible that he was somewhat influenced by ambitious motives, and the credit the introduction of Christianity would bring to him.

Fanea asked after him in a trembling voice. `He is dead, killed ten days, clubbed to death, as he deserved, shouted the people, in evident delight, showing that they dreaded more than respected him. `The devil is dead, the devil is dead, cried Fanea. `There will now be no opposition to the lotu. This was found to be the case.

His account of himself being found correct, his offer was accepted, and he and his wife embarked. The voyage was prosperous, and Sapapalii, or Savaii, an island two hundred and fifty miles in circumference, was reached. Fanea now showed how especially fitted he was to assist the missionaries in their task.

Let the "word" prevail, and get a firm hold upon them, and then we may with safety adopt measures which at first would prove injurious. Fanea was related to Malietoa, one of the principal chiefs of the island, and was therefore, by his influence with his relatives, able to render great assistance to the work.

The history of the group I will give you presently. At Tonga, a chief of the Navigator Islands, called Fanea, was met with, who had been eleven years away from home. His wife had become a Christian, and he himself was favourable to the new religion. He offered to accompany Mr Williams, and to introduce him to his brother chiefs.