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At twenty-two Aglae already rivalled in size and weight Madame Vermichel, whose agility seemed phenomenal. Sitting behind a counter increased the adipose tendency which she derived from her father. "What devil is it that gets into girls?" said Socquard to Rigou. "Ha!" replied the ex-Benedictine, "of all the devils, that's the one the Church has most to do with."

"That will pick you up, a pretty bit like that," he said. "It was cured in the house; we cut into it only yesterday." "Where did you find her?" said the ex-Benedictine in Soudry's ear. "She is like the ham," replied the ex-gendarme, winking again; "I have had her only a week."

The glass door to the terrace was open, and the guests were walking about enjoying the summer evening, which brought out the full beauty of the glorious landscape which we have already described. "It is a long time since we have seen you, my dear Rigou," said Madame Soudry, taking the arm of the ex-Benedictine and leading him out upon the terrace.

Though this sketch gives some idea of the man's character, no one can imagine the point to which, in his private and unthwarted life, the ex-Benedictine had pushed the science of selfishness, good living, and sensuality.

But we shall presently understand why any educated man, such as the ex-Benedictine, would have done as Rigou did, and kept away from the little town, after reading the following sketch of the personages who composed what was called in those parts "the leading society of Soulanges."

As to accessories, in the first place, Madame Soudry was surrounded by the magnificent gifts accumulated by her late mistress, which the ex-Benedictine called "fructus belli."

The mayor, who was flanked by his mayoress, got out and came round to the portico on the garden side. As he did so Rigou saw Madame le comtesse at a window. She, however, devoted to the bishop and to religion and to the Abbe Brossette, sent word by Francois that "Madame was out." This act of incivility, worthy of a woman born in Russia, turned the face of the ex-Benedictine yellow.